You Are Not Alone

Life is a roller coaster right now and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed

Tess Wheeler
a Few Words


Photo by JR Korpa on Unsplash

Do you feel that your emotions change minute by minute at present?

We’re living through the scariest of times. That word ‘unprecedented’ hits me in the face multiple times a day. Nobody has the answers.

You might start the day feeling relatively positive. You’re staying home, keeping busy, connecting with friends by phone or social media. This is okay. You’ve got this.

And then you watch a news report and you’re reminded what a dire state the world is in. Even if it’s not happening in your street or in your house, you can see that it’s happening nearby, and a hunderd miles away, and thousands of miles away.

Suddenly you wonder if it’s ever going to end. Are you going to get out of this alive? Will your friends and family make it through?

Will the world ever be the same again?

Nobody has the answers.

But now is the time to take a deep breath.

You’re not alone. Hold onto that thought.

The very fact that you can see the same events unfolding in country after country tells you that you’re not alone in what you’re feeling.



Tess Wheeler
a Few Words

Reader, teacher, writer, and beach walker. I’m happy at home in the North East of England but plotting more adventures in this second half.