You can laugh at me

Finding humor is hard these days

Manoj Surya
a Few Words


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

People find Humor in darkest of times.

We were stressed out at work, traffic and housework. We were taking a lot on our heads until early this year. Then we got the Pandemic phase.

We are new to this phase. All of us are lost.

Now we lost touch with most people. Humans are social animals and we no longer are social now. We seem to be trying to adjust to the new normal on the outside. But deep down we want all this to end.

Few people started cooking, few people started learning a new language and few people are more on Amazon Prime and Netflix. We all are trying to fill the time in our ways.

I recently started posting a lot about my workouts on Instagram. At one point, I thought am I doing a lot of postings than I should be doing? Then I figured a lot of people post a lot more than me.

One thought crossed my mind. It is hard to find humour these days. If you find it amusing or weird about my posts or anything about me at all. Go ahead and laugh at me. I will be glad.



Manoj Surya
a Few Words

I write about everything I learnt to become better at life , endurance, health, books, reading and building products