Beauty Is a Gift You Give to Others

Not something you hoard for yourself

Phoenix Huber
a Few Words


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

I wanted what so many want: self-love. To love my body, and feel beautiful.

Feeling desperately inadequate, beauty was something I burned to get.

What I eventually realized is that when I focus on being beautiful — on securing and safeguarding an image of myself as “attractive enough” — I suffer.

Instead, I want to focus on giving my beauty to others. I also want to focus on appreciating the beauty that others give.

The shift looks like this.

Beauty hoarding: I worry how I look. I check anxiously in the mirror.

Beauty giving: I admire how you look. I find little things, and sometimes deeper things, to appreciate in each person.

Beauty hoarding: I am self-conscious during a conversation. Am I coming across as smart, sexy, competent?

Beauty giving: I am conscious of your experience. How are you feeling? What is it like to be YOU? How can I know and understand you better as we talk? Can I add value to your life today?

Beauty hoarding: I feel unworthy because my clothes are shabby and I’m missing some of my hair. I want to be one of the attractive people who people envy. I want to be hot enough to…



Phoenix Huber
a Few Words

Trans girl. Beyond-human ally. I unite with members of my species for all sentient beings. Free hug: uberpath@gmail. Feed me: