Your only fault is you underestimated yourself

Lesson learnt

Abrata Misra
a Few Words
2 min readSep 13, 2020


Source: Pixabay

You have been settling for way less than what you deserve.

You tend to imagine others have the same virtues that you possess.

You may have a hard time believing that people pretending to be your well-wishers secretly want to see you sink.

But one day you will open your eyes to realize your true value and how you have wasted your potential on worthless pursuits. You will finally start seeing what your true friends and loved ones see and cherish about you.

That will be the day you stop this pattern once and for all. That will be the day you let go of the toxic people that intentionally try to pull you down to feel better about themselves.

Your only fault is you thought you are ordinary.

The ones who devalued you were doing so from their own level of understanding. They haven’t had the experiences that you have had and what they are projecting onto you are their own limiting beliefs.

Start with having the courage to let go of the negative conditioning.

Knowing yourself will help you understand why you draw certain toxic things and situations to yourself. Next time, you will nip it in the bud.

You will learn about your enormous strength and resilience.

Most importantly, you will learn to stop trying to shrink yourself just to make others comfortable.



Abrata Misra
a Few Words

Seeker, observer, exploring holistic healing, intrigued by the human mind ✨