You’re Doing Something Important Even When You’re Relaxing

a Few Words
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2020
Photo by Victoria Tronina on Unsplash

Since I started my self-improvement journey, I live with the constant feeling of wasting my time when I’m not actively doing something useful, such as learning new stuff, improving a skill or set new goals and paths toward an objective.

And this is, of course, could be very stressful because is pushing me to have nearly always my brain turned on.

And the worst part is that even if I’m doing something “useful”, sometimes I complain that maybe there is something more important to deal with!

A feeling that is become particularly strong when holidays are approaching and the question is: “how I’m gonna use the free time in a good way?”

This seems to be a sort of FOMO (fear of missing out) syndrome, where not doing something engaging is automatically a missed opportunity, but this is not necessarily true.

Balance is the key, finding the right tradeoff, otherwise there are risks of:

  • losing focus, affecting the effectiveness of what you’re doing
  • burnout, taking away the willingness to improve
  • lack of direction, as changing constantly idea is like drifting

So the best advice I can give to myself and to all of you sharing the same feelings is… it’s ok to relax!

Is awesome to be engaged in interesting activities but replenish mental and physical energies is paramount and could be the higher return of investment when approaching new challenges.

So don’t feel guilty when you’re taking a break or spend quality time to relax but enjoy the moment and think you’re doing something important too!



a Few Words

Father | Tech guy for work and fun | Runner | Aspiring to minimalism | In a quest of learning how to live a meaningful life, day by day