8 reasons to choose ag-Grid as your JavaScript Datagrid

Niall Crosby
AG Grid
Published in
4 min readOct 27, 2016

Now that we have done many conferences, we clearly understand why our users choose AG Grid over the competition. This article explains the main reasons why AG Grid is becoming the leading JavaScript datagrid.

1. The ‘AG’ in AG Grid stands for AGnostic

AG Grid has zero dependencies such as Angular or React, we don’t even use JQuery, Underscore or LoDash. The foundations of AG Grid is a custom made framework designed specifically for AG Grid. Having no dependency means AG Grid will work with any framework — we call this framework agnostic.

Being framework agnostic allows you to choose your framework and datagrid separately. It also reduces the work required when you move frameworks (e.g. moving from Angular 1 to Angular, VueJS or React to Aurelia etc.).

If you choose a datagrid that is not framework agnostic (e.g. written using Angular) then you have locked into that framework. If you select a datagrid you should not be locked into a framework.

We are not aware of any other datagrid that is agnostic like AG Grid.

2. Enterprise Foundations

The authors of AG Grid come with years of delivering reporting and data warehousing solutions to investment banks and telecommunications companies. We are not traditional web developers, our skills are not creating consumer facing websites, but enterprise applications. We understand data and how to best manage it.

Pretty much all other JavaScript datagrids start off solving a particular problem (e.g. filters and sorting, or a pivot table) but then fail to scale. The designs are not extensible to the complex requirements of a datagrid.

AG Grid’s solid design allows it to manage a) the core features of a datagrid and b) items which do not exist in other grids e.g. pivoting. AG Grid does the standard features better and then takes if further with advanced features not seen in other datagrids.

We are not aware of any other datagrid that manages complexity like AG Grid.

3. Integrating, not Wrapping

AG Grid integrates with frameworks such as Angular and React. That means AG Grid is not only available as a React or Angular 1 / 2 component, it also allows you to use React and Angular 1 / 2 inside AG Grid for custom cell rendering.

We are not aware of any other grid component that allows you to select from any of these frameworks inside the grid while staying agnostic.

4. Features Above and Beyond

AG Grid gives for free what other grids are charging for. There is no reason to buy another datagrid. The enterprise version of AG Grid contains features that go above and beyond other datagrids on the market.

We are not aware of any other grid that provides the same level of enterprise features as AG Grid.

5. Open Source

AG Grid is Open Source (available for free) and AG Grid Enterprise has it’s source code open (source code is public, but you need a license to use). Both sets of code are available on Github where you can see the code and raise issues and pull requests. The open source nature allows the community to advise the AG Grid team and act as code reviewers. A closed source project does not have the same community support.

We are not aware of any other commercial datagrid that offers its code as open source on Github.

6. Free and Commercial

AG Grid has both free and commercial versions. This allows everyone to benefit from AG Grid even if their budget is limited. The commercial version funds the growth of the project. This guarantees the AG Grid project will continue while also providing the best standard JavaScript datagrid for free.

7. Pure Open Source is Risky

Purely open source projects come with no support or warranty. They also run a greater risk of discontinuing as the developers find other ways to spend their free time. If you are using an open source datagrid that is not owned by a recognised company, it runs the risk of losing developer support and becoming stale and unsupported.

AG Grid has an office, revenue and employees. Keeping AG Grid alive is our job.

8. You Aint’ Seen Nothing Yet

AG Grid is new on the market. We have already surpassed all the competition. This is just the start. In the coming months and years you can expect AG Grid to march forward and go to places no JavaScript datagrid has gone before — all while the other datagrids struggle to catch up.

Learn more about AG Grid — high performance JavaScript Data Grid. We write the code to visualise data in interactive tables so you can concentrate on writing the application code. We support multiple frameworks: Angular, Vue, React so you can pick the best framework for your needs.



Niall Crosby
AG Grid

I am the CEO of ag-Grid. I have 15 years of experience building Enterprise applications before launching my own product ag-Grid Enterprise.