Get started with AG Grid

The fastest and most feature-rich data grid component for React, Angular, JavaScript and Vue

Max Koretskyi
AG Grid
2 min readAug 13, 2018


AG Grid Demo

The paradigm of a data grid should be familiar to most developers. It’s a component used for displaying tabular data in a series of rows and columns. Perhaps the most common example of a data grid on Desktop is Excel. Grids have been present on native platforms for a long time and have recently made their way into web app UIs.

Modern grids are complex. The costs of development in-house solutions are quite high. That’s why most companies and software engineers choose data grids available on the market. Unsurprisingly, there’s a variety of the grids available for free or as paid subscriptions. But how do you choose one? Simple.

If a grid meets the requirements for features and performance, developers than look at the ease of integration and configuration. The availability of the fully fledged documentation covering all features and providing examples significantly simplifies the choice.

AG Grid is the component where you’ll find all that.

The grid has no 3rd party dependencies and was specifically designed to deliver outstanding performance right out-of-the box. It has full-blown solution with features to meet most of the requirements. We’ve also put extra efforts into the documentation to ensure that every feature and customization option is described.

We base all our Grid UI interactions on familiar Excel functionality to make it easy for your users to get started with the grid.

We have getting started guides on the blog for:

And when you have started, learn how to customize the grid and create cell renderers.

Then work through the documentation to learn more:

AG Grid also has built in Charts. As demonstrated in this video:



Max Koretskyi
AG Grid

Principal Engineer at . Founder of Big fan of software engineering, Web Platform & JavaScript. Man of Science & Philosophy.