AGA and AGAr Liquidity Pool Rewards
We are making further improvements to how we calculate and distribute AGA Liquidity Pool Bonus Rewards
- Increased Bonus Reward APY rates! We will now pay 30% APY or 0.5% per week on AGA-AGAr Liquidity Pools!
- Rewards calculated every week: We will take a snapshot and calculate AGA Bonus Rewards every weekend starting April 9, 2021. From then on, every week, we will take a snapshot sometime on the weekend (Friday to Monday). We will not publish an exact day and time to encourage Liquidity Pool holding OR staking!
- Rewards based on the percentage of the pool owned: We calculate AGA Bonus Rewards based on the percentage of pool you control. You can see your percentage here: or
- Reduced minimum for the AGA-AGAr and AGA-ETH pools: We reduced the minimum amount of AGA required to earn Bonus Rewards in the AGA-AGAr pool from 888 to 50 AGA (500 on Uniswap).
- You can earn AGA or QUICK, not both: Anyone staking their Liquidity Tokens in the QUICK pool will only earn QUICK, not AGA. To earn AGA Liquidity Provider Bonus Rewards you must leave your liquidity tokens in your wallet — not stake them.
- Rewards paid weekly on Polygon and Monthly on Ethereum: All AGA Liquidity Provider Bonus Rewards will now be calculated weekly. Due to very high Ethereum fees, we will pay AGA Liquidity Provider Bonus Rewards monthly for Liquidity Providers on Uniswap and weekly on QuickSwap.
Qualifying Pools and Rates
AGA-AGAr Pools (on Uniswap and QuickSwap)
In April and May 2021 we will pay 30% APY on the AGA in the AGA-AGAr pool. Every weekend, starting April 9, 2021 we will calculate AGA rewards based on the percentage of AGA-AGAr pool you control.
AGA-ETH Uniswap Pool
In April and May 2021 we will pay 14% APY on the AGA in the AGA-ETH pool. Every weekend, starting April 9, 2021 we will calculate and distribute AGA rewards based on the percentage of AGA-ETH pool you control.
Our video on how to add liquidity and become AGA Liquidity Provider
And how to stake AGA-AGAr Liquidity Tokens on QuickSwap to earn QUICK Rewards
QuickSwap Staking: How to stake AGA/AGAr LP on QuickSwap
How will we calculate AGA rewards that we pay?
Lets use the AGA-AGAr pool as an example
621,736 AGA * 0.5% = 3,108.68 AGA
Sample Wallet
This wallet controls 8.31% * 3,108.68 from above = 258.33 AGA earned every week.
ETH Fees
Due to the exponential increase in ETH fees, we will now pay AGA Liquidity Provider Bonus Rewards earned on Uniswap monthly. Rewards will still be earned weekly, and we will still take weekly snapshots, only payments will occur monthly.