Innocent’s Rescue


His father died first.

His mother followed shortly, but not before being chased away from her husband’s community and blamed for his death. Both of Innocent’s parents had HIV/AIDs.

When his mother returned to her family, they were not particularly welcoming. After testing all three of her children, Innocent was the only one who was HIV positive. So, he was left with his dying mother when the other children were invited into an aunt’s home to be raised as her own.

When Innocent’s mother finally died, the family bickered over who would take in six-year-old Innocent.

Deaf in one ear from accompanying infections, he had no idea why it seemed that his family hated him. All he knew was that instead of lovingly welcoming him into their homes, like they had his brother and sister, Innocent’s uncles rejected him completely. They debated fiercely over his care, but no one would take the boy.

“We don’t want any more graves,” he would hear them say.

Eventually, he was cast out, uncared for, onto the harsh streets of Nairobi.

But his aunts had compassion on Innocent and they devised a plan to keep him off the streets, at least for a little while. When his uncles would work throughout the week, Innocent’s aunts would secretly bring him into their homes. For months, he was passed from home to home, rushing out one back door and into another every few days.

Because he was passing so quickly from one home to the next, Innocent’s health began to decline rapidly. His aunts were keeping him alive, but quickly realized that they couldn’t get him to the clinic regularly or keep track of his medication.

Innocent’s condition became grave.

A healthy child’s CD4 count should be more than 500 at the age of six. Innocent’s was down to 4 when one aunt finally brought him to Agape out of desperation.

Maggie immediately found proper treatment for the boy and began administering the correct dosage of medicine to help him recover. He was deaf in one ear, but had thankfully avoided any other long term effects.

Today, Innocent receives regular medication for his illness and happily resides at Agape Hope Children’s Center. Maggie and Oliver care for him as their own, love him unconditionally, and are giving him a chance at life he may have never had anywhere else.

Agape rescued Innocent. Serving Orphans Worldwide is rescuing Agape. Join us.

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Serving Orphans Worldwide
Agape Hope Children’s Center

Serving Orphans Worldwide betters the lives of orphans by rescuing struggling orphanages, training them and enabling them to pursue sustainability.