People Who Change the World!

How to become great in the 21st century?

Agastya Zayant
Agastya Zayant
4 min readMay 4, 2020


Why do some people have a lasting impact on you and the whole world? U can think of Benjamin Franklin, Mahatma Gandhi, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk. You may agree with them or disagree with them but they all had an impact on you. You knowingly or unknowingly try to emulate them.

If you ask me, the answer is simple — “They Stepped Up”. It didn’t matter to them that nobody believed in them or it didn’t even matter to them if the entire world was against them. I am against Donald Trump, but he stepped up for those groups of underrepresented people and became the President of the USA. In my view, people can be categorized into 3 groups:

  1. The Steppers
  2. The Disinteresters
  3. The Anti-Steppers

1. The Steppers

The steppers are the people who take charge. They don’t try to blame the economy for a bad turn in their fortune or they don’t blame who is around them. They simply accept “as is” and try to learn.

Gandhi didn’t care if anyone was going to support his cause. He saw the problems with society and decided to do something about it. If Rosa Parks had said, “It is okay, you can have my seat” there wouldn’t have been a bus boycott and if she hadn’t followed through with that, she wouldn’t be called, “the first lady of civil rights”. Similarly, Gandhi wouldn’t be called “the father of India”.

You may ask, what am I doing to change the world? — I am writing this article to change you and many other people like you.

The world needs steppers. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, if Andrew Cuomo or California’s governor Gavin Newsom haven’t stepped up to fill the void created by the lack of responsibility of the federal government, the initial projections of 240,000 deaths would now be considered very less. Even Silicon Valley stepped up to fill the gap.

2. The Disinteresters

The “disinteresters” are an interesting group. The group of people who think they want to be in “the steppers” group but actually don’t (the hackers in life). Nonetheless, they are an important part of society as the steppers create products for the disinteresters to use. Social media, Youtube, and TV shows mostly cater to this population.

Without disinteresters there won’t be anyone to consume Netflix. They go on with their life with whatever they want to do and assume that they are in control of their lives.

The disinteresters go on with their lives without interest in anything other than their own family or such. They like it quiet and they don’t want to get into anybody’s bad side as well. U see a lot of employees of this type in any company. They do what they’re supposed to do and leave. Nothing more nothing less.

When we hear stories of “mid-life crisis”, it is from people of this type mostly. The feeling of not having done enough overtakes them in mid-life. They try to upend their lives and reinvent themselves to no avail. Some people do use this opportunity to get out of it but many don’t because they need to make huge sacrifices.

3. The Anti-Steppers

As everyone knows there is constructive criticism and useless criticism. The anti-steppers are the people who mostly fall into useless criticism. They’re against the steppers. No matter what the steppers do, they criticize them.

After all that ranting by them, you think they would do something about it but NO, they won’t and they can’t.

When a stepper sees a problem they go and try to fix it whereas an anti-stepper will blame the government or the corporate or the market or something else. Even when there is a clear possibility for them to do something about it they won’t.

What is the use of an anti-stepper then? — marketing. Their criticism makes the steppers and disinteresters, interested in the topic at hand. Some anti-steppers become steppers as well given the right push.

The Holy Trinity

Our lives revolve around these 3 types of people. A disinterester contributes well to a company and sometimes comes out of this to step up and take charge. Without anti-steppers, steppers might not realize the mistakes in society. Anti-steppers create a useful bridge between the disinteresters and the steppers.

You Get to Decide Whom You Want to Be.

If you read any book, they would deal with all 3 topics in a positive manner to cater to the general public and not to create a controversy. But, I lean towards the steppers group and I expect everyone else to do the same. If we want to solve the global crises of global warming, humanitarian crises, wars, etc we need steppers and you can become a stepper.

“We can be heroes not just for one day but for the rest of our lives.”



Agastya Zayant
Agastya Zayant

Authentic and scientific articles on habits, productivity, and success.