Thoughts on the global pandemic, COVID-19

Should I Wipe My Ass with Hydrochloric Acid to be Safe from Coronavirus?

Please DON’T

Agastya Zayant
Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2020


As Coronovirus keeps spreading and the number of reported positive cases and deaths across the United States is on the rise, I would like to share some guidelines on things you should be and shouldn’t be doing.

I have been following closely about this from February and have been increasing my ‘precautionary steps’ as it kept growing. Today even my favorite sport — Formula 1 Racing — scheduled to start its new season got canceled. Even the NBA was suspended yesterday. Schools and colleges are no exception. So the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is something that has to be taken seriously. Please follow some things I tell you below.

Right now, 40% of people still don’t care about the virus, the other 40% care to an obsessive level and then there is 20% of people who are being mindful about it (sadly, proportions resemble American politics).


  • DON’T BE IRRATIONAL AND CRAZY: Coronavirus (COVID-19) is very much real no matter which moron tells you otherwise.
  • BUYING MEDICINE WHICH WILL SAVE YOU?: No, there is no medicine or vaccination as of yet and it will take at least a year for it be released. My mom calls and tells me to drink turmeric water, ginger water and so on. 🤣 Nothing works and if it does scientists would have already told you.

There is NO specific medicine to prevent or treat coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

  • USING BLEACH TO CLEAN YOURSELF?: Are you crazy? Bleach is for clothes!!🤦‍♂️
  • LOOTING THE TOILET PAPER AISLE IN A STORE BY KILLING OTHERS: Hell NO!! Is toilet paper compulsory for cleaning your ass? There are people in India without toilets. Humans have hands and America has good water supply so just use your hands (actually, this is much better than toilet paper). Use wet wipes if u know how to dispose of them properly.
  • DISINFECTING YOUR PHONE, LAPTOP, BAGS, MOUSE, CHARGERS AND OTHER STUPID ITEMS?: NOT even Purell guarantees protection from 100% of germs. Stop doing crazy things. Do it to a certain extent, don’t go overboard. Maybe gently wipe them down once in a while.

If you think Antiseptic liquids should be used to clean and disinfect everything, use Hydrochloric Acid and destroy your items. HCL will burn right through your skin tissue.

  • Panicking by looking at social media posts: People post such bullshit to sensationalize a topic. Don’t be alarmed by such stupid people.


  • WASH, WASH, WASH: Wash your hands using a good hand wash and use a hand sanitizer as well. I can’t recommend this enough. Keep your hands clean. Not at touching your face is impossible but you can make sure the hands you are touching them with are clean.
  • ISOLATING YOURSELF: Try to be in isolation as much as possible. Work from home if possible. Stay at home as much as possible. Avoid unnecessary travel.

Try not going anywhere if absolutely not necessary.

  • STOCKING UP ON THINGS: Definitely stock up (say 2–4 months worth) on some essentials like food items and toiletries. The US might be headed for a lockdown like Italy as necessary steps weren’t taken at the beginning itself so do stock up some items. Please don’t buy years worth of supplies and useless crap.
  • PRECAUTIONS: Take necessary precautions like washing your hands and so on. If you have any symptoms like “fever, cough, and difficulty breathing” seek medical care and request for Coronavirus test.
  • BEING HUMAN, PLEASE: A lot of people forget that other people need help if they are sick. Cover your mouth when speaking with others and use tissues whenever you sneeze or cough. Take precautions and help the other person if needed. Don’t be inhuman by avoiding such people. Even though you may contract the virus it is unlikely that you will get sick and it is very unlikely that you will die (death rates — up to 5% based on age and gender).

BEING HUMAN DOESN’T mean, not following the guidelines I told you above. It just means, being cautious and at the same time not being a Jerk.

  • STAY INFORMED: Stay up-to do date on the latest developments in your county, state, and country.


Being mindful and cautious of what you are doing is important. Knee-jerk responses to such situations will harm you and others as well. Stay at home, read books and stay safe.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. The advice I shared is my opinion based on the news and going through various sources.




Agastya Zayant

Authentic and scientific articles on habits, productivity, and success.