Agate will change the way you think of crypto transactions forever

Rahul Kumar
3 min readAug 25, 2018


In the world of cryptocurrency, transactions are deemed complex and cumbersome. The existing Blockchains are often to be blamed for this. Frustratingly long transaction time, an interaction of data between different Blockchains and systems often make the cryptocurrency transactions long and arduous, thereby causing reluctance in their acceptance in the mainstream economy.

AGATE has come up with a complete end-to-end solution towards making the cryptocurrency transactions faster, secured and hassle-free as never seen before

The magical ecosystem developed by Agate boasts of the stunningly fast Agate Blockchain, easy-to-use Apps for users & merchants, customizable payment gateway through the Agate API, Physical POS system for installation at merchant’s end for instant funds availability, AI engine to make seamless data transfers across the ecosystem, wallet to store multiple cryptocurrency variants, a decentralized iBucket, iFiat based transactions to name a few. The reason behind the robustness of the Agate ecosystem is due to the Agate Blockchain and the above-mentioned artefacts that offer seamless and near instant funds credit using Debit Card and bank transfers.

The uniqueness of the complete Agate ecosystem can be broadly explained by the following:

  • The entire ecosystem is built on the white label foundation of the Agate API Suite.
  • The Agate user’s wallet app consisting of the multi-currency wallet, the Agate PGAPI, the AgatePG App/Plug-ins, the Agate POS terminal and the Agate Merchant App all interact through the Agate Blockchain.
  • This interaction over a single Blockchain platform facilitates faster transactions with transaction speeds and funds availability in as less as 3 seconds.
  • With the Debit Card and bank transfer facility provided by Agate, users & merchants can now convert their iFiat into flat currency in the matter of seconds.
  • Trade bots developed by Agate, guides users for profitable transactions and conversions ensuring no loss.
  • The decentralized iBucket provides the option of storing funds and currencies for current or future use.
  • As the transaction fees are minimal and in AGT tokens, merchants would no longer need to worry about incurring losses on their profits.
  • The Agate iFiat ecosystem offers and maintains a stable coin domain.
  • The Agate Mining network would offer mining to any user for 50,000 AGT coins, let users participate in Proof of Stake (PoS) mining and also allow to create their own mining pool thus ensuring mining to be inexpensive and eco-friendly.
  • With the physical POS system installed at merchant’s end and which runs and interacts on the Agate Blockchain, transactions and funds availability are faster in the matter of seconds as never seen before.
  • Agate Blockchain has a comprehensive and detailed Block explorer that is publicly available and used to hold records for all iFiat transactions.
  • This eliminates confusions and refund issues as any transaction can be readily and publicly viewed by both the user & merchant and refunds initiated & credited with no hassles.
  • Since all the transactions, including the POS system, run on the decentralised Agate Blockchain, all settlements are Instant (24×7×365).
  • There is no exit fee and lock-in-contract.
  • The iFiat can be used to pay any utility bills.

As can be seen, the Agate iFiat ecosystem is set to redefine the cryptocurrency transactions. With such easiness, robustness and ready-to-use features, Agate is not just reassuring the existing cryptocurrency users of seamless transactions but attracting and assuring new customers to reaffirm the faith in the promising and growth assured world of the cryptocurrency economy.

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Name: Hamed Taghvaei


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