The magic fat loss pill

Thomas Benard
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2020

If I offered you, right here and right now, a magic pill that would instantly made you lose all the fat you want to lose, would you take it?

No shady deal, no soul bargaining, no special conditions written in small character at the end of the contract with the blood of a virgin sacrificed at full moon.

It’s simple, really. You swallow it and for a brief moment, the laws of physics are changed within your body, removing the excess fat you want to get rid of.

Would you take it?

I know I wouldn’t.


Well first, I don’t really need it… I know I still have some fat to lose, but I’m also 100% confident in my ability to lose it. The pill would just be a shortcut to get there.

But more importantly, it would deprive me of an essential component of a persistent fat loss: learning.

Learning? What are you talking about?

Let me ask you a question: how did you become obese? Did you wake up like that one day? Or was it the result of one gargantuous meal? No, it is the result of overeating over a long period of time.

Put another way, your weight is the result of your eating habits.

If you don’t change those habits, if you don’t change the reason you got fat in the first place, your weight will simply start to crawl back after you take the pill.

That’s why we say 95% of diets fail. They focus more on losing weight rather than changing your behaviour for the long term.

Now, imagine you have taken the pill and are doomed to see your weight slowly, but surely, start to crawl back. It doesn’t matter how hard you try, how much willpower you put into it: because your bad habits are still there, you will gain the weight back.

Ok, so what should I do?

Forget about losing weight. Ok, no, not really. That’s still the end goal. But that is not what you focus on.

Instead, focus on improving your eating habits, little by little.

For example, you could eat more often, not skip breakfast, try to do something to eat more low calorie dense food like fruits and veggies, learn how to cook…

There are so many things you could try right now. The only question you have to ask yourself (besides, does it work? obviously) is can I stick with this?

Do you have any question or remark? Don’t forget to write it in the comments so that I can answer you!

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