How To Agave 3: Contributing

Jennifer Silves
Published in
4 min readOct 12, 2021

Getting involved with the Agave community is easy and fun. The community is safe, friendly, and inclusive. We use 1Hive’s Community Covenant, which is upheld by the administrators of our various social media platforms, and strive to make people feel welcome.

Agave’s mascot Alvin with a bullhorn and social media symbols.

Agave’s Telegram is probably the easiest place to start. It’s fast-paced and up-to-the-minute with Agave news. There’s almost always a mod at the ready to answer any Agave related questions, and the admins do a great job keeping the pins relevant. This is where people come to talk the shill, throw up charts, and keep an ear to the general chatter. If you can scroll for miles and hate to be bored Agave’s Telegram is the place for you.

Agave’s Twitter, on the other hand, is dedicated to announcements and hard news about the project. This is where you’ll learn about product releases and features, when and where to find the AMAs, and any other Agave news that’s meant to get broad distribution. If Telegram is too busy for you or you find yourself short on time and just want the facts, Twitter is a great place to keep up with the project. When you like a Tweet, retweet, or best yet retweet with a comment, you add value to the project and we appreciate you.

Agave’s logo Alvin in a robot suit by the bounty board.

Agave even has opportunities to earn while supporting the project. The Bounty Board has a list of tasks we need done, with an associated payment listed on the board. Check out the available bounties and if there’s one you’re interested let the team know here. You’ll be assigned the bounty on the Bounty Board, so no-one else will work on it.

Like so many DAOs, Agave’s main action occurs on our Discord server. This is the place to go to get directly involved with the Agave team, whether it be for deeper conversation, tech questions, to ask questions about the Bounty Board, or to become part of one of the working groups at Agave. The Discord is the best place to go for any issues you may be having with the platform.

The Discord is also where the Agave team has meetings and holds the AMAs (Ask Me Anything). Keep an eye on the Telegram or Twitter, or ask on the Discord, for when the next meeting or AMA will be. To become part of the dev, marketing, or design team, you can ask on the Discord server, either in a text channel or at an AMA. You’ll find the marketing people on the #🐝buzz channel here.

Agave’s logo Alvin in a hoodie on a laptop… looking like willjgriff.

Please know that many coding levels and skills are useful in the DAO and crypto space. Many people think that because they don’t know web3 or they can’t code in Solidity (yet) that their skills are not needed. This just isn’t the case. If you have any coding skills check in with the team on the Discord and see if there’s a place you can fit in. Often the team needs testing done, and that’s a great opportunity to learn about how the different pieces are put together and work.

As you see, Agave has room for pretty much everyone to contribute. You can become as involved as you choose. We are a welcoming community that values a wide variety of people from everywhere in the world. You may just be comfortable participating on the more popular platforms, which is still important added value, you may enjoy writing or creating videos, or other kinds of content creation, and appreciate the opportunity to earn while doing so, or you may be ready to deep dive into dev. Whichever you choose, welcome, and we’re happy you’re here.

Read More: How to Agave 1: Staking — How to Agave 2: Call Options

Join our community today: Discord , Telegram , Twitter, Reddit

