How is Digital Campaigning Evolving in 2018?


The outcome of the 2016 election still haunts us but it offers many insights and indicators into what digital campaigning will look like in the 2018 election and beyond.

Among the biggest lessons following 2016? The importance of connecting with voters through authentic communication and organizing on digital channels.

Here are three of the most important trends we’ve seen.

A Mobile Environment

No surprise here. Mobile has been a massive trend for years and it’ll only continue to be more important. 69% of all media time is now spent on smartphones. That’s why, in 2016, HFA built on OFA’s 2012 app and developed an app which individuals could use to read proposals, volunteer, and donate.

Hustle is a peer-to-peer messaging app useful for helping organize volunteers and supporters quickly by sending text messages at scale. It was used by both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders during the 2016 election and campaigns from the highest profile statewide to local candidates are using it in 2018. But like any digital organizing tactic, it needs to be authentic and build a relationship with supporters. Otherwise, the possibility is there for it to be used against you. Don’t forget: Just a few weeks ago, Republicans impersonated Beto O’Rouke’s campaign via text to smear him.



Giovanni Hashimoto
A+G Digital: Innovation Lab for Democrats

Co-founder of A+G Digital / Democratic Digital Consultant and Brand Strategist