10 Easy Habits to Help you Live a Better Life and Take Care of the Planet

Helping the environment is the smartest way to improve our health

Desiree Peralta
Age of Awareness


Photo by Nagy Arnold on Unsplash

This year I decided to make a difference, I wanted to save the planet.

The environment has a very direct effect on our daily lives: nature provides us with clean water, clean air, fertile soil, and food.

Also, taking care of them helps our health psychologically and physically, from feeling that we are doing something good for others, to improving our quality of life.

For that, I started changing simple habits in my personal life that will help me contribute a grain of sand in caring for the planet, and also help me live better.

Many of you probably think that I wasn’t going to make a big difference with that, but this is a big lie. After a lot of research, I realized that simple changes in your daily life can make a big impact, even if it’s the smallest one you can think of.

If you have wondered if it is necessary to recycle everything, the answer is no.

I know that many people decide not to save the planet because they think it is necessary to do great things, such as cleaning beaches or even changing their eating habits, but none of that is necessary to make…



Desiree Peralta
Age of Awareness

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice https://dessyperalt.substack.com/