11 Reasons To Be More Humble

Unlocking the superpower of humility

Nate Sanna
Age of Awareness


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Humility is the only quality that disappears the moment you think you have it.

It’s an interesting virtue that if fully realized, is a superpower that will lead you to a successful and fulfilling life.

Humility doesn’t entail low self-esteem and an invitation for people to take advantage of you. It’s more of a deep understanding of reality that guides your actions and frees you of the burdens that plague your life.

How does humility do this? Here are 11 ways.

1. People feel comfortable and valued around you

Humility is an extremely attractive quality. When you demonstrate humility, others feel valued and enjoy their time with you. When you exude ego, those around you either feel inferior or just find you annoying.

Humility doesn’t ask you to lose your dignity. Many of the most dignified people also have the most humility. As C.S.Lewis said:

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”

2. You can see when you are wrong and do something about it



Nate Sanna
Age of Awareness

I write about tech, love, life and whatever else I'm learning