12 life coaching questions that will change your life!

Ask yourself these questions to find your real purpose in life.

Bhupinder Sandhu
Age of Awareness


Here is a list of questions I learned on my journey to become a Coach, and I always ask my clients these questions in the very first session. These questions help us establish the grounds to work.

Photo by jose aljovin on Unsplash

1. Are you happy? (How would you rate your happiness on a scale of 10? Are you happy with your current predicament, or status in life?)

2. What are you most afraid of? What are your biggest fears?

3. What type of life do you envision for yourself?

4. What things from your daily life make you happy?

5. What/who are you grateful for?

6. In one sentence, how would you describe your previous year?

7. What is your definition of success?

8. How will you get to your success?

9. Which relationships do you value the most? Why are they important to you?

10. What can you do in the next week to make you happier and more purposeful?

11. Who are the people you want to help the most through your life?

12. What do you want to accomplish in this year?

Disclaimer: These are the questions from various self-help books.



Bhupinder Sandhu
Age of Awareness

Speaker|Author|Coach — Author of Bestseller — The Self-Esteem Formula & most read Mindfulness writer on Quora.