12 Ways to Cope With Boredom As A Single Woman

#10 will leave you in awe.

Jessey Anthony
Age of Awareness


12 Things You Can Do to Cope With Boredom As A Single Woman
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Being single and bored is one of the dangerous combinations I have come across. You constantly check your phone to see if you missed a call. Going on date after date leads nowhere. You worry if you’re the only one without a boyfriend. Wondering whether you’re going to find someone in the future or spend the rest of your life alone. As much as I hate to say this, it really sucks to be a single woman.

You feel guilty every time you look at a couple and wish you had what they have because you feel like you aren’t supposed to feel lonely. You feel like you’re not allowed to complain about being single because it would make you look weak and insecure and needy.

I’m a strong woman. I’m not someone who needs a man. But sometimes, having a man would be nice. Sometimes, I daydream about how comforting it would be to hold hands with someone, fall asleep next to someone, get married to someone.

Boredom becomes your only best friend. You eat, watch Netflix, eat some more, scroll through Facebook, sleep, and repeat. Some days you hopeless waking up feeling empty. It’s okay, to be honest with yourself. You don’t have to feel bad for wanting a relationship. You don’t have to glorify your situation. You don’t have to hold back your emotions. You’re allowed to…



Jessey Anthony
Age of Awareness

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: bit.ly/3j0Lm9Z