15 Reasons Why Medium Is Far Superior To Quora

Loy Machedo
Age of Awareness
Published in
6 min readMar 16, 2018

Within the 1st six months of being on Quora, I received the following violations from Quora.

    I was given a violation for formatting stating that the ‘formatting’ wasn’t good enough. So I was being ‘warned’ about it that if I didn’t format properly in the future, I would be banned from Quora.
    I was given a violation for using an ‘inappropriate picture’ (which was my own photograph). So I was warned about it and told in an email that repeated violations for not using an appropriate picture would end with me being banned from Quora.
    I was told that my name wasn’t Loy Machedo — even though I had sent them my facebook, linkedin, website, twitter and google plus account details. They still wanted more evidence. And since the evidence wasn’t enough — they edit banned me — which means I couldn’t write, chat or edit any questions or answers until I gave them what they wanted. So then I was asked to send my drivers license copy, id card copy and passport copy. After I gave them the proper documents finally, they gave me my account back.
    Yet another person asked me for a FREE service for FREE advice and FREE consultation. And I asked them to go to my website and book a service. This response was flagged as ‘spamming’ and I was given another warning by Quora Moderation. And was told if I broke any more rules, I would be banned from Quora.
    In the comments section — A Troll asked me why was I a fake & fraud and taking advantage of people. I gave him my website to check my credentials. When he responded again stating why my website was fake and why I was fooling people — I told him to go and get his brains checked. to which Quora Moderation once again send me a warning letting me know I had violated the terms & conditions of Quora and if I broke their rules again, I would be blocked and banned from Quora.
    I decided to experiment with the Quora Question feature. And so I asked people which dog was their favorite breed and if they could show a picture of their dog. The question started to generate more than 1,000 responses. In the evening, I got a email warning from Quora Moderation stating I was misusing this feature and that if I broke rules on Quora, I would be blocked & banned from Quora.
    In one of the questions related to why WWE though fake was so popular — I spend 7 days researching and writing down a 3,000 to 5,000 worded answer as to why WWE though fake was so popular. The answer gave me tremendous likes, upvotes, fans & followers. Within a week, I was sent an email stating my answer had violated a policy of theirs so violently /extremely — that they had decided that the entire answer was deleted without any reason. Once again, I was told by Quora Moderation — if I would repeat this violation again — I would be blocked and banned permanently from Quora.
    When someone asked me more information about me and my website — I answered it giving that person my website link. Immediately, I was sent an email courtesy Quora Moderation warning me that advertising myself was a violation of the Quora policies.
    In the blog feature that Quora offered its readers — I wrote a blog about myself, my website and my services. And since people kept asking me about my whatsapp groups & facebook groups — I put all of them in a private blog and titled it ‘Information to join Loy Machedo’s Groups’. Thanks to a my haters who downvoted and reported the blog post — Quora Moderation sent me an email warning me, if I broke any more rules, I would be blocked and banned from using Quora.
    I gave a book review about a book I had once read. And I gave excerpts from my website — MY OWN WEBSITE BLOG on what I had thought about the book. The only mistake? I forgot to mention the quotes were taken from my own website. I got an email from Quora Moderation stating that I had plagiarized another person’s work and that if I repeated this — I would be blocked and banned from Quora.
    In one of the questions which asked about a popular Quora user who had gotten banned — I answered that question giving them the reasons why I realized the person was banned. Once again Quora Moderation slapped me with a violation stating I would be blocked & banned from Quora for breaking yet another rule — that is trying to destroy someone’s reputation.
    There was a question about Rape Culture in India. So I presented a few news links and articles written the latest crimes that took place against Indian women in India. I was given an email by Quora Moderation stating I was spreading Hate Speech on Quora. And if I violated any more rules on Quora — I would be blocked & banned from Quora. I am confused because what am I supposed to say? I love the rape crimes in India?
    I wrote an answer stating that I hated the narrow-minded approach some Indians had against religious superstitions where they could even kill another human being for not believing in their religion or god. And because I posted a sentence that said “This is one of the reasons I hate living in India” — I was told by Quora Moderation I was being racist. Funny thing — I am from India, I hold an Indian Passport, I am an Indian and all the good stuff I wrote about India was ignored. Just this one line was highlighted. Oh yeah — and Quora Moderation let me know I would also be blocked and banned for further violations.
    I posted a picture of me while being dressed as a zombie for a Irani Music Video. I had red blood painted on my face and a few scars which were plastered on my face. Guess what — I was flagged by Quora Moderation as promoting graphic pictures which were obscene & violated the Quora policies. Oh yes — once again — I would be blocked and banned if I violated Quora policies.
    I received an email from a Quora user that I wasn’t contributing to the Quora platform as I was only answering questions and not asking questions. So one day I decided — everyday, I would ask around 10 questions since I answered 100 questions daily. This would help bring about engagement. And it was then Quora Moderation finally send me another email letting me know — I was finally blocked and banned from Quora for abusing their Question feature.

And so — after contributing 6 months of hard-work, 12 hours everyday of putting up content — one fine day — they just banned with no questions asked as if I was a piece of dirt.

NONE, not ONE iota of my contribution, my time or my effort was considered before being blocked & banned permanently.

Now you may say “Yeah — because Loy, you are a trouble maker.”

Well guess what — I am the SAME contributor, the SAME blogger, the SAME writer. I HAVEN’T RECEIVED ONE VIOLATION FROM MEDIUM.

So, if I am the SAME person with the SAME personality and the SAME writing skills but absolutely doing well on Medium with no problems on Medium & having a better response, better quality networks & better appreciation for my work — tell me exactly why isn’t Medium better than Quora?

There are NO questions about incest relationships, masturbations, green stuff oozing out from genitals and how to do absolute rubbish being shared here.

Added to this there are NO trolls, NO haters, NO trouble makers, NO spammers, NO gangs of pesky kids who are jobless troubling you and NO ‘superstars’ or ‘celebrities’ like how they have on Quora being lifted on a pedestal here.

So now — you tell me my friend — which one is better for you, your image and your Personal Brand MEDIUM or QUORA?

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Loy Machedo



Loy Machedo
Age of Awareness

ABOUT ME: Google My Name | SERVICES: ThinkPersonalBranding.Com | EMAIL: loy@loymachedo.com | WHATSAPP: +66–92–541–4784