Image by Biel Morro via Unsplash

20 Days of Innovation: Clothing

Pip Kennedy
Age of Awareness
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2018


What would’ve been an unusual partnership in high school is now paving the future of an industry.

Scientists and designers — the ultimate duo.

Introducing Modern Meadow, a pioneering US startup developing leather that won’t harm our furry friends.

As our population grows so does our appetite for leather as it has an estimated global trade value of US$100 billion per year. But no matter how steep the price tag of that leather jacket is — the environment, the leather factory workers and of course the animals are paying a much higher price.

To meet consumer demand, suppliers are breeding vast amounts of livestock that have a detrimental effect on carbon emissions and environmental pollution. The leather production process also has far reaching costs of animal suffering as well as human rights violations for workers who as exposed to chemicals in the leather tanning stage.

Fortunately, companies have been searching for alternatives in material production and Modern Meadow is leading the charge.

This company has combined bioscience, engineering and design to make leather that’s grown in a lab.

Modern Meadow’s first bioleather brand, ZoaTM, offers a number of biomaterials with different adjustable properties such as making the material thinner or stronger and even creating unique aesthetic qualities. The variety of materials will open up new possibilities for designers and redefine the way the textile is used.

Consumers searching for this high quality, ethical product might be waiting a couple of years but with a US$40 million investment in Modern Meadow there is consensus that it’ll be worth the wait.

To check out the science behind this truly innovative company click the link below.

