3 Brilliant Projects My 10th Grade English Teacher Used

And why you should use them in your own classroom!

Shawn Laib
Age of Awareness


The best educator I’ve ever had was my 10th grade English teacher. There are too many reasons to name here for why I felt this way about him nearly a decade ago, and still feel impacted by him all this time later. All you need to know is that he is a very gifted instructor, someone who thought outside of the box, if you will.

What I want to share with you here is three of his most clever and ingenious projects that he had students complete throughout the school year. To connect with adolescents, to truly attempt to have them reach their potential, more teachers should take parts of these assignments and incorporate them into their own classrooms.

Non-verbal presentation

One of the first major projects of the school year, this assignment requires the class to make a slideshow presentation that shows peers all about who you are and what you represent. Sounds pretty basic. There’s a catch, though.

As already stated in the subtitle, the project is non-verbal. You cannot explain anything to the class that isn’t already laid out in the slideshow. No misunderstandings can be cleared up, and no points that were made too short can be elaborated on. Everything…



Shawn Laib
Age of Awareness

University of Washington Class of 2020 in English Literature and fan of video games and basketball. Twitter: @LaibShawn