3 Questions to Ask Yourself Each Day to Stay Alive and Stay Together

Jonathan Isbill MS, RD, LD
Age of Awareness
Published in
14 min readSep 5, 2021


Breaking through the noise to focus on what really matters…

I’m not sure about you, but I’m tired of living the rat-race narrative, too busy to find a spark of joy and delight in life. Each week I see people grimace and grumble, suffer in despair and miss out on finding a sense of inner peace, kindness or compassion for the world around us. Indeed, we will face great challenges in life, but we can and will pull through. We always have.

So, in hopes to help us refocus and readjust our perspectives on life, I think it would be a great time to go back to the drawing board and start from the beginning. Start with the 3 simple questions that can help us live a happy, healthy life together with others. I’d love to hear what you think after taking time for your own thoughtful reflections so let send along a few comments at the end or highlight throughout if anything sticks out to you specifically.

Enjoy and Good Luck!

3 Questions to Ask Yourself

  1. What can I do to care for myself?
  2. What can I do to care for my family?
  3. What can I do to care for my community?
Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

1. Caring for Ourselves



Jonathan Isbill MS, RD, LD
Age of Awareness

Holistic Health Writer, Author, Dietitian, Coach | Dedicated to serving others | Subscribe for My Free Weekly Health 📝https://jonathanisbillrd.substack.com