3 Quick Tips to Achieve a Minimalist Wardrobe

Because owning less, actually simplifies your life.

Maria Denisa Dascalu
Age of Awareness
3 min readOct 23, 2020


Photo by Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash

The number of clothes you own doesn’t define you, it’s the style that does. With this mindset in mind, you can create amazing outfits from a minimalist wardrobe. Here are my three quick tips to achieve one.

1. Define your style.

Start here and now with the clothes and shoes you already own. Take them all out of the closet. Lay them on the bed — you will realize that you have clothes that you forgot about. Try them on — mix and match them. Look in the mirror and try to define your style but keep in mind your current fashion needs.

If you know your style you can own a total of ten pieces of clothing and still make it work.

2. Declutter often.

Look at every piece of clothing you own and ask yourself, how many times in the last 90 days have you worn that item? If the answer is zero times, then it should go in the donation box as chances are you won’t wear it anytime soon. Now pick your favorite items — if you find clothes in your wardrobe that you don’t like anymore, donate or sell them so that they can have a second life.

My advice is to only keep the ones that you absolutely love and see yourself wearing many times from now on.

Every few months repeat this process.

3. Organize your closet.

Choose a method where you can actually see your clothes. Many times, we think we don’t have anything to wear because our clothes are not organized in such a way we are able to see them. Organize them by color, item function, seasons, or whatever works best for you.

The next steps.

Make conscious and mindful choices about your wardrobe.

Buy clothes with an intention — to actually wear them and if you can, try and invest in sustainable materials and clothes that are built to last.

If, for example, you decide on buying a new top ask yourself what function will it have in your wardrobe. Don’t buy it just because it has a lovely color and it looks nice on you but because you see yourself wearing it for a long long time and you have a clear picture of how you will mix and match it with what you already have in your closet.

I also advise the following — for every new piece of clothing you buy, make sure you donate an old one. In this way, things even out in your wardrobe.

Keep timeless pieces of clothing — I stopped following trends and instead focused on wearing clothes that will never go out of style, like a classic denim jacket or a plain white t-shirt.

Become comfortable with wearing the same outfit more than once. And also, with buying and wearing preloved items.

Final thoughts.

There’s a lot of pros to owning a minimalist wardrobe and having fewer clothes and shoes. It simplifies your life, it also reduces the amount of time you spend thinking about what should you wear every day or what to pack for a holiday and you save lots of money that you can spend on building experiences instead.



Maria Denisa Dascalu
Age of Awareness

All things mindfulness, sustainability, and self-improvement. 🕊