3 Reasons Why You Should Take a Gap Year After High School

Why spend good money to have a bad time?

Chicago Education Advocacy Cooperative
Age of Awareness


Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

These last 365 days since the beginning of colleges and universities shuttering to prevent widespread outbreaks of COVID-19 have been a mess, euphemistically. Student mental health decreased, food and housing insecurity increased, professors with no business leading an online class were forced to adapt their curriculum to the virtual format…some on their own. Suffice it to say, administrators, faculty, staff who survived (literally!) the last academic year are looking forward to summer break and putting this all behind them…only to revisit the same storm we’ve unsuccessfully attempted to chart an effective course through.

That said, there are glimmers of hope. Some faculty made it work for them. Some campuses housed students safely. Some students did incredible things. But these accomplishments are far from the rule at this time. For that reason, we are actively encouraging the high school seniors we are working with now to take a gap year. Now, know that we are not encouraging students we work with to take the next year off to leach off their parents while lamenting in the basement about their loss of the most vital of rites of passage of the college freshman…their first keg stand. No, instead, we are telling our students the truth. Investing money in…



Chicago Education Advocacy Cooperative
Age of Awareness

Serving the needs of racialized and minoritized students in Chicago since 2020. www.chieac.org