3 Types of People That Will Help You Find Success

Here’s where you should be looking.

Kunal Walia
Age of Awareness
4 min readMay 28, 2020


“I don’t need anybody’s help.”

How many times have you convinced yourself of this? I know I’ve certainly led myself into believing that I can climb the ladder to the top on my own. You might have done so too.

But there will come a time when you realise that you could’ve used a bit of help along the way. Taking the time to build a support network might have been a good idea after all.

And it’s important to know where to look.

#1 Find a group of mentors.

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” — John Crosby

Mentors will always make time for their mentees without expecting anything in return. That’s what makes them so great.

But finding a single mentor is like finding “the one.” The odds are slim unless you embark on a mission to wine and dine every single acquaintance you’ve formed over the last 5 years.

But there might just be some people you’ve come across who manage to tick most of the boxes. And there’s no limit on how many mentors you can have at any given moment in time. It’s often easier to find a handful of people who you can turn towards as you go through different phases of your life.

A former boss or a current colleague may spring to mind. You might choose to steer clear from conversations relating to your personal life (you might already have someone else for that department), but that shouldn’t preclude you from requesting some career advice.

Spend the time going through your professional and personal network if you can’t think of anyone. I once spent an evening sifting through my entire LinkedIn contact list. I was certainly surprised with how many people I’ve connected with over the years, and how many of them I would now consider to be a mentor.

You will always have a lot to learn from those who you carefully welcome into your inner circle. Stay close to them. Drop them a message after a while. They’ll be pleased to hear from. Wouldn’t you be if you were in their shoes?

And remember, they are there to support your journey.

#2 Find people who love to learn.

“It is good to rub, and polish our brain against that of others.” — Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

Let me describe the characteristics of someone who loves to learn. They are the sorts of people who get excited by a new book recommendation. They often look lost in thought (they are just letting their brain work its magic). Oh, and they might also go undercover for 1–2 weeks in search of a solution to a problem. Rest assured, they are still there.

Conversing with these sorts of people is a breeze. You don’t have to worry about being judged for not knowing, or getting something wrong. They certainly don’t know everything.

Having these people by your side will help you find new ways of thinking on your feet. You might come across better solutions as you bounce ideas off each other. Eventually, you’ll have your “light bulb” moment.

Stay close to these sorts of people, and you’ll be surprised how much potential you have in you.

#3 Find people who have achieved more than you.

“Don’t allow your pride to stop you from positioning yourself in a circle where you are the least successful one. There is no denial that you could learn some valuable things from people who are more successful than you, that could take you to a much higher level in life.”― Edmond Mbiaka

Let’s be honest, there will always be that one person who is one step ahead of you. They won a new client that pays a larger fee than yours. They got the promotion you didn’t.

I get it. It’s tough to digest. Nobody enjoys a silver medal when they were gunning for gold. But it’s important to get to know these people. They will have a lot to offer if you can put your ego aside.

If you struggle with this, make it easier for yourself by acknowledging that they are simply better than your current self. Your future self still has a lot more to offer.

Instead of competing with them, use them as a source of inspiration. Find out what they are doing, what they are reading, what inspires them.

I know it’s a brave thing to do. But if you really want to be the best, you have to learn from the best.

Eventually, your paths might diverge as you/they go off to accomplish different things. So don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn from this person now. Make some room for them in your life.

Final thought

Everyone needs a helping hand at some point in their lives. Choosing the right group of people to support you is just as important as working your way through each and every obstacle.

So why not kickstart the process to find them now?



Kunal Walia
Age of Awareness

27. Finance nerd by day. Writer by night. Dreamer at all times. Finding new ways to learn. Sharing more ways to grow.