3 Ways Brands Celebrate Pride and Empower LGBTQ+

To support #Pride month, businesses splash a rainbow of offers and opportunities this June


Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Come June, and a grand celebration season opens up in the LGBTQ+ world. Whenever I see a lavishly dressed member of that group, my heart sings for them. They were probably hiding their identity behind their aching heart for way too long. That’s why when they came out in the open… a soul celebration or a moment of liberation of their true identity in all its wondrous form shows up and stands out. Loud and Proud and Lovely! Truly deserved.

In the early 20th century, LGBTs were dead scared about being found out — in their workplaces, among their friends, and even at their own homes. Some lived a suffocating life, unable to come to terms with the identity, the society was forcing upon them.

Almost everywhere, LGBTQ was considered illegal and faced arrest. It was thought of as obscene, an insult to the family, or a mental illness. Gay and trans folks were brutalized, murdered, outcasted, rendered jobless, abused, humiliated, and totally victimized.

Enough Was Enough



Brinda Koushik | Copywriter | Mom | Avid Reader
Age of Awareness

Writer, Marketing Infopreneur, Mom of 2 munchkins, Children's book author, and an Optimist Forever. On a mission to inspire a million moms realize their power.