4 Fool-Proof Formulas For Being Miserable

Personality Traits that would guarantee a miserable life

Age of Awareness
3 min readNov 14, 2023


Image by Dmitry Ratushny from Unsplash

Have you ever met someone and a few minutes into conversation thought to yourself I need to prepare myself a coffee in order to continue this conversation further? I have been there many times :-). Knowingly or unknowingly, few of the personality traits people have aren’t so great.

Here are a few personality traits that would throw people off:


I always understand and think of anger as one of the complex human emotions and if one sits with it and understands, it reveals a lot of information to oneself — Especially the needs that aren’t met for oneself. At times people hold an insurmountable amount of anger. A simple joke, a normal conversation you never know what would trigger them and you are always walking on egg shelves around them and are trying to avoid conversations. But isn’t anger one of the human emotions? Yes, it’s normal to be angry. But how often, to what extent, when, and how someone becomes angry really matter. No one appreciates being around someone who is constantly triggered and yells for no good reason.

Chronically negative:

The kind of people who come up with a problem “for every solution” that exists out there and every sentence they say has some negative words either about themselves or others. They make you feel like everything you think is impossible or unattainable. Being around them not only drains your energy but also builds a lot of self-doubt. Being practical is really important, but being negative about everything is soul-sucking.


Living to be liked by everyone else is the most miserable way of living and a personality trait that is very unattractive. A trait where someone only holds their worth on how others see them and has an extremely tough time saying no. People pleasers most times make decisions based on what and how others feel and barely acknowledge their needs and feelings.

Endless Complaining:

Have you ever had that one friend who has endless complaints? — be it the neighbors upstairs, the weather, the relatives, their relationships, the lunch that they are eating, the kids, and everyday chores. You name it, they have a problem with it.

It’s sometimes good to look inward and see if it is about everything around us or if it is just something inside of us that has to change.

Being the center of the universe:

Be it the Ukraine war, inflation, and increase in gas prices few people have the capability to make any subject turn towards and around them and make it about them. Any number of hours into the conversation it will always be about them in the end and only about them. You are just a mere listener there and have to nod your head. Sometimes it’s even fun being with them(mind you only for a limited amount of time).

Overall, we all are people with flaws in many ways. It’s nice to reflect on ourselves from time to time and be a better person.



Age of Awareness

💜 for Books, Self-improvement. All views are my own.