4 Quotes by Buddha That Will Help You to Deal With Change

Buddha teaches us that we can try to not only deal with change but also be happy and grow with it.

Rishabh Sharma
Age of Awareness


Buddha was a philosopher, a spiritual leader and is credited as the founder of Buddhism. Often referred to as the “Enlightened One”, Buddha’s teachings are followed to this day by millions of people around the world. He was born as Siddhartha Gautama in 566 BC into an aristocratic family in Lumbini, Nepal and when he was twenty-nine years old, he left the comforts of his home to seek the meaning of the suffering he saw around him, to search for a life beyond life and death.

After six years of self-mortification, he realized that the search for divinity lies not in worldly things but in the mind. Thus, abandoning self-mortification, he gave himself to meditation and reached a state of enlightenment. For the next forty-five years of his life, he went around teaching others the path to attain this state of enlightenment. The teachings of Buddha revolve around Duhkha, which means suffering, and the end of Duhkha, which is regarded as the state of Nirvana.

Once you are born, you grow, develop, become an adult until at some point you will die. In the interim your relationships will change, your ideas and opinions will certainly change, and…



Rishabh Sharma
Age of Awareness

Passionate wordsmith with a penchant to explore the depths of creativity.