4 Ways to Give Instant Feedback on Writing

Hack your teaching to help your students learn better and faster

Rebecca LeBard
Age of Awareness


Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

The answer jarred me. “You’re the teacher, that’s your job” was its brief message.

I had clicked on a question in Quora where a teacher asked for ideas on how to provide instant feedback to students on their essay writing.

The question is an obvious one. As a biochemist, I see our marking as the ‘rate-limiting step’ in student learning writing skills. We can only mark so many pieces of writing in a set time, and students need feedback in order to improve.

Hoping to find a new online tool or some tips, I had clicked on the question. There was only one answer. The harsh one.

“Do your job.”

It irritated me. From the question, it did not appear the teacher was trying to reduce their workload. They simply wanted some ideas for getting feedback to students faster.

And I don’t like responses that are along the lines of “you can’t”.

Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash

So I reflected on my teaching and some of the activities I give my students. And I brainstormed…



Rebecca LeBard
Age of Awareness

I am a Scientist BSc (hons) PhD and Educator MEd (higher education) | I write about higher education, science, science education and balancing life.