5 Advantages of French education

Joshua Pullen
Age of Awareness
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2020

You may have heard the stereotype of “the French education system is the best”, and you may or not have believed it. I went through the French education system myself, from the age of 3 years old, to the age of 18 years years old. I have to confess, it wasn’t the easiest at times, but it did push me very hard. Here are the advantages of French education!

1. The learning program

In every class of every year, the French teachers are given a strict program to follow by the national education system, or “Education Nationale”. This system pushes the students very hard, and goes as far into the subject as possible. If you compare what an average American 14 year old knows, and the average knowledge of a French 14 year old, the French student will come out on top. This is the biggest point to be said, as the learning is what you go to school for!

2. Free scholarship

If you are studying in France, and you pass you final test, the “baccalauréat”, you get a free scholarship to any one of the universities you want in Scotland, for example. There are many universities that take French students for free in their universities, and this is a great advantage! You also have a greater advantage to get into a university than any other nationality, because you learn more during your education.

3. No quits

This could seem to be a disadvantage for some people, but for most people, this point will help them stay in their educational course and persevere. The French law doesn’t let people drop out of school until the age of 16, making sure that you are ready for any further studies and that you are well-educated before dropping out of school. This helped me be determined until the end of “lycée”!

4. The French culture

If you have ever even heard if France, you must of heard about the French culture. Their gastronomy, architecture, history, and many more elements that make the French country the best one to live in will offer you a charming and lovely place to study in. Even if you don’t study there, you should travel to France, it is definitely worth it!

5. A bilingual education

Coming from an English family, I grew up speaking English up to the age of 3, when my parents moved to France. I then started French school, and finished it with an “OIB baccalauréat” (OIB=Option Internationale Britannique), which is basically a French bac with English literature as a part of it. I think that this option should be taken by any french resident who speaks English, as it is one of the most valuable options possible. There are in average, every year, only 800 OIB students, and this certificate gives you great advantages for getting in to universities around the world.

I hope you liked these reasons, and I am both happy and proud to have been through the French education system today. To anyone who is thinking of moving to France, go for it, it is brilliant!

