5 Laozi Quotes to Activate Your Power

Gain inspiration with these Taoist quotes to allow yourself to become.

Age of Awareness


Photo by Dylan Gialanella on Unsplash

Non-action can allow you to awaken to your being. Doing less is more.

Taoist follow the notion of “wuwei” or nonaction. This does not mean you actually doing nothing at all. But, you allow yourself to flow with the naturalness of your life — even better allow spontaneity. Forcing yourself to move in a certain direction goes against nonaction. Really, it’s to flow and be as fluid as water.

Here are 5 quotes to help you gain the perspective of becoming like water to release the power you already have within you.

“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

This is more about tackling your entire to-do list. How long did it take you to write and publish your first article? It took nearly months before I was able to bring myself to take that first step and type that first word into the daunting white space.

Taking comfort in knowing that you have a full journey ahead will lead you to believe, “oh, it’s ok there is always tomorrow to…



Age of Awareness

Writes about UX writing and her favorite books