5 Reasons Why I’m Not Pursuing an MBA Right Now

There are other paths to consider

Kevin J Ferris
Age of Awareness


University quad
Photo by Vadim Sherbakov on Unsplash

Last year, I took a hard look at going back to school for a Masters in Business Administration (MBA). I visited several campuses and attended sample class sessions. I narrowed it down to the top three schools I would consider. I researched the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) and almost scheduled a test.

But then I paused, reconsidered, and filed my research away for another day. It didn’t feel like the best decision right now. Here are 5 reasons why:

1. Other Opportunities Are Put on hold

Why not get an MBA? First, there’s a cost. We all know graduate school is expensive. MBAs cost anywhere from $20,000 to over $100,000!

Graduate school is also a massive time commitment. I would have to take night classes after work. Group projects would bleed into the weekends.

Before you say “hustle”, consider all the other ways I could use my time:

  • Build a side business
  • Amp up my workout routine
  • Commit to a deep meditation practice
  • Volunteer to help lead local nonprofits
  • Read 10x more books than any MBA program



Kevin J Ferris
Age of Awareness

I write about digital marketing, emerging tech, and anything that could be useful to others. I also like: 🏄|🚴|☕️