5 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About This 5th Century University

From the ruins of Nalanda

Radha Kapadia
Age of Awareness


Image by The Hindu

The prestigious center of art and learning — Nalanda University was founded by Buddhist monks around 2,500 years ago making it one of the oldest university of the world. The term Nalanda was derived out of three Sanskrit words; Na, Alam, and Da. These put together would mean, “no stopping of the gift of knowledge”, and it won’t be wrong to say that the university did stand up to its title.

Located in Bihar, India, it was renowned all over the world which led not only Buddhists but students from varied cultures of the world to join it. It had several temples, meditation centers, hostels, and not to mention, the greatest library in the world. There were many respected faculties and scholars of history who resided at Nalanda at a point in their lives like Xuanzang, Asanga, Harshavardhana, Nagarjuna, and Aryadeva to name a few.

The best thing though was that education was free of cost — not limiting anybody from joining it. But there was certainly more to Nalanda than studies, let’s look into these 5 shocking facts that you probably didn’t know about this 5th-century and the most oldest university:

1. The only International University in the 5th Century



Radha Kapadia
Age of Awareness

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