5 Simple Ways to Ace Your Qualifying Exam

Omar Abdullah
Age of Awareness
Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2018

The dreaded oral exam!

This is possibly the hardest part of graduate school: sitting in front of five professors that are going to grill you like a red snapper fish for hours. They critique everything from your thesis proposal, to your theoretical writing, and maybe even your choice of size 11 Calibri font.

It can be a form of torture.

However, in most cases it’s just a formality (I believe the technical term is called academic hazing). Any professor will tell you that students usually pass their qualifying exam and that it’s just a performance.

In my own consulting work, speaking to professionals across different fields, I have found that most people detest oral exams because they seem so grueling in nature. Clients tell me that it feels as though they are constantly being sized up and judged.

Having said that, there are some really easy ways to keep your composure to ace this performance and maybe even get a standing ovation!

1. Talk to your committee members beforehand.

This is best way to ensure you know what to expect in your QE. Often, committee members will give you insight into what they will ask you. Make sure to go over specific texts that they might draw upon.

Additionally, talk to students that have gone through the process with those specific faculty members as they will probably have small tricks that will help you keep your cool. For instance, you might learn that Professor X will ask you a trick question from the start, even though she promised she wouldn’t do that to you… Classic X.

2. Hold on to a pen during your exam.

This might seem like trivial advice, but I’ve found that it really helps. Objects help calm us when we are under pressure. Use the pen and write down talking points as the committee asks you questions; it’ll help you organize your thoughts. The pen also aids as a tool to emphasize your points when you are gesticulating.

However, don’t overuse the pen because it can be a distraction. I once saw a speaker constantly click the top of the pen for their entire speech. I winced every time I heard a click… all 196 times.

3. Speak in clear discrete sentences.

Aim to provide clear and concise answers. Rambling gives the impression of being an amateur speaker. You want to come across as knowledgeable and humble in your responses.

Furthermore, it’s best to not look for acknowledgement and acceptance from your committee members because then they will see you as not fully knowing/owning the material. Ending sentences with: “Right?” “Do know what I mean?” and especially “Oh God, please like me!” lower your credibility.

4. Number your ideas within your response.

This helps in 2 specific ways (see what I did there?).

First, you can slow down your thoughts to avoid rambling. Second, it helps you answer the question fully, addressing each crucial component of a complex question.

5. Be stoked to be there.

Lastly, get excited and embrace the challenge of being scrutinized!

This is the best way to have senior faculty not haze you. When they see that you cannot be intimidated then their behavior is not reinforced. Additionally, your excitable disposition will get your committee members to root for you and want to see you succeed.

These are all helpful ways to come through in the clutch during an oral exam. Remember, you’ve done all the hard work of getting to this point. Your committee would not let you take the exam if they didn’t think you could pass it.

So get a good night’s sleep, wear your Sunday’s best, and knock this oral exam out of the park.

OA Consulting Group helps individuals and organizations improve their communication skills and social dexterity. Specifically, we provide help in public speaking, storytelling, and professional development through applied improv.

website: oaconsultinggroup.com

email: info@oaconsultinggroup.com

twitter/insta: @AskDrOmar

