5 Things I Added to My Work Day After Remote Learning

Having four children remote learning at home made me more productive

Rebecca LeBard
Age of Awareness


Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash

It sounded like a disaster. A scenario that would have sounded improbable twelve months ago, yet now one familiar to people worldwide.

My workplace suddenly closed and switched to online. Like many, I exited the building with a new laptop and headset, unsure when I would return.

I teach biology at a university, so I also left knowing I had a mountain of work ahead — moving 650 students from laboratory classes and lectures to online learning.

Add to that four children starting remote learning and a partner who also needed to rapidly set up a home office.

This situation has impacted everyone differently and I am fortunate that the school-age children in our household were able to work quite independently. But the time was not without its challenges and difficulties.

Back to school

Once schools resumed physical classes and the children were back to waving goodbye each morning, I realised my days were surprisingly less productive. I exercised less. I read fewer books. I felt my workdays drag on.



Rebecca LeBard
Age of Awareness

I am a Scientist BSc (hons) PhD and Educator MEd (higher education) | I write about higher education, science, science education and balancing life.