5 Things Nobody Told Me About Life After College

I realized things I never even thought would be a problem

Radha Kapadia
Age of Awareness


Photo by Muhammad Rizwan on Unsplash

As a kid, I used to fancy being an adult. I still remember feeling mad at my parents for making me do as they say. Like any other kid, I used to think to myself “The day I’ll start earning, I’ll do things as I wish”. The idea of not being answerable to anybody was so pleasing. But little did I know of life.

Now that school and college are both over, it feels like walking on quicksand. Wherever you step, you feel a pull-down. You also don’t know which way is the right one or if you’d even find it. Contemplating these thoughts 6 months into adulthood, I realized some things that I never even thought would be a problem.

1. You’ll compare yourself to your friends

Your peers are as worried about their future as you but some already have their plans lined up. They could go for further studies, get a job in their dream company, or maybe join the family business. That’s when you’d think, “Everybody’s doing something, what the heck am I up to?”

Constantly comparing your journey to that of your peers could be very unhealthy. The quote — “Everybody’s journey is different.” is not just for the sake of it. We all do actually have different paths and…



Radha Kapadia
Age of Awareness

Welcome to my memoir where I’m a forever student of life | Catch me: radha19kp@gmail.com | Connect/Support: https://linktr.ee/radhakap