Dostoevsky On How To Master Your Life

5 Lessons to bring you peace and clarity

Age of Awareness


It's undeniable. Fyodor Dostoevsky was indeed one of the philosophical greats.

A man intimately familiar with sufferings, his experiences fed his powerful, yet timeless philosophical pieces.

Even today, I find myself taken by the way he eloquently provides insight into the inner mechanics of the flawed human existence.

Although it took me a while to finish reading his novel, crime, and punishment I found myself feeling empathy yet anger toward protagonist Raskolnikov. That's how brilliant Dostoevsky was in his writing.

In this character, Dostoevsky perfectly showcases human fallibility and redemption to show we are not all lost causes.

Though he was able to tell stories through deeply flawed characters like Raskolnikov, Dostoyevsky also served as an exemplary figure on how to take life in its unpredictable strides.

Some of the lessons I learned from studying his life have become applicable truths to master and better understand life.

Know Thyself

You won’t go very far by being unaware of yourself and your actions.



Age of Awareness

Self-Development, Self-Improvement, and Marketing Writer. Voracious Learner, joyful coffee addict.