5 Unique Ways Seaweed Can Help Save Our World

Why seaweed should be part of our future green plans

Jerren Gan
Age of Awareness


Photo by Lyn Ong from Pexels

When we think of seaweed, many of us might think of weeds. An unwanted plant that takes up nutrients from other plants that matter.

Yet, unlike what its name suggests, seaweed isn’t actually a kind of weed. Instead, seaweed is a general term that includes a wide variety of marine plants and algae that can be found growing in the ocean (and other water bodies).

And even though the name sounds uninspiring, seaweed is actually a marine plant that might just play a key role in improving our environment for the future. Here are some reasons why seaweed should play a key role in our climate strategies.

1. Seaweed could become a great source of food for many of us

Seaweeds are unique. They are able to extract the minerals found in seawater, allowing it to become a nutrient-dense food when harvested.

And if you’re unconvinced by the simple seaweed’s goodness, here are some of the nutrients and minerals that can be found in your seaweed: vitamin K, calcium, copper, iodine, and iron. And these are only the minerals and vitamins that the seaweed is rich in. The list of other minerals and vitamins goes on.



Jerren Gan
Age of Awareness

Systems Engineer and Physicist | Writing about the environment, mental health, science, and how all of them come together to create society as we know it.