5 Ways To Improve Our Food Production And Save Our Planet

How we can make current food production more environmentally friendly

Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten
Age of Awareness


Food production needs to become more sustainable to save our planet (credit: cherries on Shutterstock)

Credit: This article is based on the scientific article “World scientists’ warnings into action, local to global” by Phoebe Barnard and colleagues. (Full citation and link available at the end of the article)

Hunger and malnutrition are increasing in many parts of the world: since 2014, nutrition levels have declined and the number of undernourished people has increased. One of the reasons for this downward trend is that severe storms and droughts, fueled by climate change, have devastated crops. More crops being devastated means that the amount of food that is produced is reduced. And this trend is likely to continue especially in tropic and semi-arid regions.

And sadly, climate change does not only affect food production, it also works the other way around: the way we currently produce food triggers climate change even more. Also, it affects our environment in many ways, including:

  • Food production significantly contributes to an early Earth Overshoot Day, as more resources are taken from our planet for food production than our planet can compensate for. Earth Overshoot Day is the day in a given year on which all resources available for that year are used…



Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten
Age of Awareness

Sharing fascinating facts about nature and sustainability; science communication. Also on Xplore Nature YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@xplore-nature