6 Reasons To Be More Like A Tree

Life lessons from earth’s peaceful giants

Nate Sanna
Age of Awareness


Photo by veeterzy on Unsplash

We constantly go back to nature, to forests and parks, to reconnect with ourselves and get away from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. There’s something about being around plants that helps us get in touch with our inner thoughts and feel recharged.

We used to live among the trees. But then we left our houses made of wood to plant artificial forests made of concrete, metal, and glass. We are now less connected to nature than we’ve ever been.

There’s so much wisdom in the natural world. So much we still don’t know about it. We especially have much to learn from trees, who have lived and breathed long before we came along. We can even take lessons in living from our wooden guardians. Here are 6.

1) Fulfill your potential

A tree starts off as a seed. Within that seed is the potential to grow tall and strong and to one day be a provider of some sort of fruit.

We aren’t born as empty cups that need to be filled. We are seeds that have so much innate potential to develop and give back to society. Just like a tree, we need to constantly grow until we reach our highest ceiling and are able to bear the fruits of our labor.



Nate Sanna
Age of Awareness

I write about tech, love, life and whatever else I'm learning