6 Signs Your High Ego Mind Is Hurting You (In Some Situations)

La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉
Age of Awareness
Published in
8 min readMar 17, 2020


Be self-aware you are not your subconscious thoughts

Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash

This is a deep article. I promise you that if you can read through the contents, then you will know a little better why people you know are acting the way they are in chaos. It’s not entirely their fault. With awareness, you and they can be the change.

In Eckart Tolle’s A New Earth, he wrote:

“This book is about you. It will change your state of consciousness or it will be meaningless. It can only awaken those who are ready. Not everyone is ready yet, but many are.”

In other words, you will get it or you won’t.

When I was in my 20’s, I didn’t get it. We didn’t have awareness around us. I listened to repeating negative tapes related to my life at the time. They played over and over again (to nauseum) in my mind as a judgment on others. I didn’t know how to quiet the mind. I took my thoughts as truth. I wasn’t aware you could repress negative thoughts as soon as they entered.

As a young adult, I held onto past hurts. Eckart Tolle calls this our pain-body. This is the self-destructive part of your egoic mind (in your brain). When you’re present in…



La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉
Age of Awareness

My latest published articles are found at: HealthyHappyLifeSecrets.com -Love Over Ego For Extraordinary Life -Mind the Gap For Happiness -How to Be Humble…