6 Struggles Highly Intelligent People Have, Psychology Says

#1 You are pretty intense.

naddine luci
Age of Awareness


You do remember when you were a student — your class would be given group work and your teacher would require you to assign a leader for each team. More often, the smartest of the group is unanimously voted because, well, they’re smart. They would probably figure things out the best.

One misconception a lot of folks have is that intelligent people get by easily in every aspect of life — that they are destined for success. They think belonging to the top of the ladder in terms of IQ level saves smart people from the struggle of doing tasks, mundane or complex.

Well, they’re not entirely wrong. Highly intelligent people do tend to thrive in the classroom and workplace, and for reasons still not fully understood, research links childhood intelligence with a longer life, among other things that just proves life is unfair.

But what if being smart is actually the reason for one’s problems? Experts and extensive studies have shown that there are some struggles highly intelligent people are more likely to experience.

You are overexcitable and highly energetic.

In other words, you are pretty intense.



naddine luci
Age of Awareness

artist. multipotentialite . probably the only Nadine with two Ds. 💆🏽‍♀️ peanut butter on toast is superior. 🇵🇭 naddineluci@gmail.com | learning is forever!