6 Things to Master to Be Different From Others

Take one step ahead than the rest of the crowd

Maryam Merchant
Age of Awareness


Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

We are all part of the crowd. We all want to chase something beautiful in life but we always follow other footsteps and not ours. Chasing others will never take you to beautiful places. So, create your own path and achieve success in your life.

Don’t be a slave of people. Know your worth and follow your own steps. Know your belongings, identity, and uniqueness. You are different from others. Create your own path, fight with odds, understand yourself, and embrace your true self.

Be proud that you are unique. You are one of a kind and not a copy of others. God has given you different features. God has given every individual on the earth a different face and a different identity. So stop replicating others and be yourself.

Attract the right things and people to you. No matter how small, big, fair, or dark you are. There is something special about you. Know your value. God has created you for a reason. It is a blessing to accept yourself exactly how God made you. It is a blessing to be different from others.

Stop comparing your life with others. Don’t lose your sense by accepting what others say to you. People will never stop judging. It’s you who have to face the uncertainties and master…



Maryam Merchant
Age of Awareness

Data Scientist | Love to write | Family First | Lot to learn from life | Taking one step at a time