7 Reasons to Take a Gap Year

Joanna Henderson
Age of Awareness
Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2020


How taking a gap year can be life-changing

Education is extremely important. You will meet many people who would suggest not wasting your time and money and pursuing the entrepreneurial route. Others would suggest dropping the university idea and enrolling in a trade school. Of course, there will be someone saying there is no need to have a formal education at all, as you can work a simple job until the rest of your life.

The key is to sort through all the suggestions and find the right one. Only you know what is beneficial for you, considering your goals and current situation. Here are seven reasons why you may consider taking a gap year before going to college — it can be an excellent choice for many people, and it may allow you to jump-start a successful and happy life.

Enjoying a Break

Resist listening to those trying to label you as “lazy.” There will always be someone who judges you, and you should learn to ignore such individuals.

Starting isn’t always easy, especially when you’re graduating high school. You invest an incredible amount of time and energy into studying, taking exams, applying to colleges and mapping out your future. It’s not only stressful but also mentally and physically draining. Jumping from one stressful situation to another isn’t always a good idea.



Joanna Henderson
Age of Awareness

Canadian. Mental health activist. Banker and financier who drinks too much coffee. Pursuing happiness and sharing my thoughts with others.