7 Unique Life Lessons I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger

Rather than lamenting about getting older, we should celebrate the fact that with age comes wisdom.

Age of Awareness


Photo by Austin Human on Unsplash

“Lessons in life will be repeated until they are learned.”

Frank Sonnenberg

Ever find yourself drifting into the past, your mind spinning tales of what could have been?

We’ve all been there.

I’ve been there.

As I recently celebrated another year of life and am entering a new phase of mid-life (whatever that is), I began to contemplate the lessons that I would pass on to my younger self.

Reflecting on our past is not a pointless exercise in nostalgia but an opportunity to glean wisdom for the future.

Time travel is a no-go (for now, at least), but we can always pass along the lessons learned.

1. Don’t Worry About What Other People Think of You.

Let’s start with the big one. Do you know that nagging feeling when you find yourself overly concerned about what others think?

Kiss it goodbye!

The truth is, what other people think of you is none of your business.

People will have their opinions, and that’s their prerogative.

You cannot please everyone, so aim to please yourself instead.

Live authentically.

Be proud of who you are and your unique journey. Trust me, the liberation that comes with this mindset is invaluable.

2. Today Is What’s Important.

Remember those old school posters, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift”?

Yeah, they nailed it.

Regretting yesterday or fretting over tomorrow is a one-way ticket to Anxietyville.

Live in the present, savor every moment, and make the most of your ‘now’. Trust me, ‘future you’ will be grateful for a well-lived today.

3. Let It Go.

No, I’m not talking about belting out a certain Disney tune (although, feel free if that’s your jam).

I’m talking about resentment, grudges, and negativity.

Holding on to these burdens weighs you down and prevents you from moving forward.

Forgive for your sake, not theirs.

Let go and free yourself from the shackles of past hurts. Your heart and mind will thank you for it.

4. It’s Called Work for a Reason.

Now don’t get me wrong, finding a job that fills you with joy and satisfaction is fantastic.

But let’s cut the fairy tale, every job comes with its set of challenges.

And that’s okay!

Life isn’t always cupcakes and rainbows, and work isn’t always a dream come true.

Remember, it’s called ‘work’ for a reason.

Embrace the challenges, they make you stronger and wiser.

5. Don’t Burn Your Bridges.

We live in a small world, and you never know when you might cross paths with someone from your past.

Maintaining good relationships is not only personally beneficial, but it can also open doors in the future.

Disagreements and conflicts happen, but handle them with grace.

Remember, a burnt bridge is tough to rebuild.

6. Money Is Not the Most Important Thing.

Sure, money makes life comfortable, and it’s great to have it.

But it’s not the be-all and end-all of life.

It can buy you a luxurious house but not a loving home.

It can buy you a fancy meal but not an appetite.

Don’t spend your life chasing after green bills. Chase's experiences, relationships, and personal growth.

Those are the real riches.

7. It’s Not a Race.

Society likes to impose a timeline on us.

Graduate at this age, get a job, then marry, have kids… and the list goes on.

But life isn’t a sprint, and there’s no finish line to rush towards.

It’s a marathon.

You have your unique rhythm and pace. Don’t compare your journey to others.

Live at your pace and enjoy every stride.

To close

Growing older doesn’t have to be a regretful journey into the land of ‘what if’s.’

Instead, it’s a chance to reflect, learn, and impart wisdom to others who might be standing where we once stood.

The lessons are plenty; I’ve shared just seven.

If you’re younger and reading this, take note.

If you’re older, it’s never too late to apply these lessons.

Here’s to living a life full of authenticity, peace, growth, and wisdom.

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“Life teaches you a new lesson every day, if you are attentive enough in the class of life.”

— Invajy



Age of Awareness

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