When You Say “No,” and They Hear “Yes!” — Confusion and Regret

Use the Response Positivity Scale for powerful requests.

Thomas P Seager, PhD
Morozko: Uncommon Cold
8 min readJun 7, 2019


There’s soooo much advice available about saying “No” that you’d think that was the one thing holding us all back from being billionaires. After all, none other than the Oracle of Omaha himself is on record as saying:

Really successful people say “No” to almost everything.
— Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

What Buffett does not do is tell you how to say “No,” and the fact is that it’s hard.

There are lots of books and articles available to support people practicing how to say “No,” so maybe Buffett can be forgiven for taking for granted that you already know.

But none of the popular advice is really solving your problem, because it neglects how to say “Yes,” and all the other problem-solving and negotiating…

