A Beginners Guide to Resuming In-Person Teaching

Best practices from your friend in the field.

Chicago Education Advocacy Cooperative
Age of Awareness


Photo by Max Fischer from Pexels

As vaccinations rise and COVID-19 cases fall (and deaths, too), schools are contemplating how to best reopen and keep everyone safe. As an educator for the last 12 years, I am not being cynical when I say that most of the decisions regarding campus access are made without the input of teachers. We don’t get to cancel class when it snows, do we? No, that decision is made by an (over-paid and under-worked) administrator with the relative power to make that happen.

So, the question then becomes, as the decision to reopen our schools is being driven by the wizards of finance at our respective institutions, what do we, the teachers of the world, need to do to prepare ourselves to resume in-person teaching? Please find a helpful guide to begin preparing yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally for your eventual return to the classrooms you were forced to vacate last year.

Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels

Reach out to your students in advance and get to know them before class starts

Contacting your students prior to the start of class can set the foundation for future rapport…



Chicago Education Advocacy Cooperative
Age of Awareness

Serving the needs of racialized and minoritized students in Chicago since 2020. www.chieac.org