A Bigger Change Than We Thought

No wonder this only makes sense as an apocalypse

Mike Meyer
Age of Awareness


by Mike Meyer ~ Honolulu ~ September 14, 2020

We are face to face with punctuated equilibrium and a far more significant identity problem than we even knew. And you thought we had enough troubles.

I, along with many other people, was stunned by Stephan Jay Gould’s creation of the Punctuated Equilibrium model twenty-five years ago. This model explained much about the nature of evolution on planet earth and its history, including long periods of stability with wild eras of change. It is worth a careful look.

The purpose here is not academic theories of biological change, but that model’s application to the growing disruption punctuating our daily lives in 2020. We need a place to stand to leverage our understanding of the new reality. But this isn’t quite so simple as Archimedes analogy.

These disasters are planetary in scope but very personal in effect. If you are experiencing another COVID-19 lockdown, days of orange skies with heavy smoke, heat waves killing people in your neighborhood, floods, famine, and massive storms, someone needs to explain this. Polar ice melting is on deck for the next innings of the apocalypse with more storms, starvation, and forced migration plus unexpected horrors amplifying…



Mike Meyer
Age of Awareness

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at https://rlandok.substack.com/