A Divine Message for Discouraged Writers

Revelations from the process of automatic writing

Michael Howkins
Age of Awareness


Photo by Clark Young on Unsplash

I’ve been doing morning pages (automatic writing) off and on for years now — mostly off. But during a recent phase of this morning ritual of mine, something broke through. I opened up, I stepped myself to the side and, in a hypnotic fervor, I scribbled down exactly what I needed to hear. And I thought to myself that maybe others needed to hear it too.

Before this occurred, I was struggling for most of the morning. I had already overslept, skipped my morning pranayama practice and I had major objections to sitting down to write.

But I sat anyway. The first few pages were uninspired, banal commentary on the day before, my dreams of the previous night, and, at one point, I was even making a list of items I could see in the room. Not exactly Shakespeare, but this is the process of automatic writing.

Before I knew it, my mindless script had transformed into something with direction. I watched my hand twitch fervently as sentence after sentence came streaming out of my ballpoint pen. I didn’t even know what letter would come next and nor did I attempt to know, for that would have broken the trance I was in.

Much like the process of meditation, I was merely a witness to a phenomenon, to something…



Michael Howkins
Age of Awareness

I write for several publications, including The Startup and The Ascent. A lifelong seeker. I write about what it means to live consciously and authentically.